Friday, October 5, 2007


Sweet blue eyes and white
skin. No other love will I
ever know so true again.

From the moment we met
I loved you. you were but
a moment, a passing wind.

Your tiny fingers gripping
my hand. Smile so bright
like none I have ever known.

I want to falter, to give up.
I want to find you, and make
you mine.My son, my own.

If I never hear your name,
never see your face, if I
never feel your sweet touch.

Will I forget you? Will I lose
you, those memories I fight
to keep within so much?

I see you in my dreams, but
I can't touch you there, I can
not defend you or protect you.

And my heart is ripped from
my chest as you fade from my
grasp, dissipate, fade from view.

Do you know me? Do you know
my name? I have never stopped
being mommy, nore you my child.

I want you in my arms, to know
you are safe. Still real, not a
dream if not for a little while.

For My dearest son Brad.

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