Thursday, November 15, 2007

Never free , never me

I'll always be the subject of doubt,
the flowerless maiden with crystal
eyes, who seeks nothing but solace.

I'll always be the sheep who follows
wanting nothing more then to shed this
fleece of white, to hide in wolves face.

Never free.. Never me.

I stand here hands bound by chained
ropes of sickness. I struggle and writhe
I shake and tremble in chaste naivity.

My body, My mind Yearns to be free of
the torment placed upon me, to seek a
place where I am welcomed in whole.

Never Free..Never me

But you laugh it off as a displeasured
illusion that will pass with time. Time is
not but a number that my heart has forgot.

In the dark the turmoil, spins and twists
seeking a place where I will be released
from all the lies, the promises and regret.

Never free.. Never me.

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