Friday, October 5, 2007


I need a sad song. One
to make me cry. One to
pull tears that won't come.

I want to force them free
let out a gasp as I choke
on memories now numb.

I want to weep for what
I know, for that in which
has rotted innocent mind.

I need to feel this, I want
to do this. I want sorrow
to be free, just one time.

I want to forget this wall
let it go, be held in some
kind arms. Just breathe.

Let it fade away forever.
let my soul rest. A few
moments of reprieve.

but here they lie behind
green eyes, sweet pools
of baby blue unspent.

Welling up like swollen
tide that will never see
the shore sand unswept.

But never falling, never
stinging, never leaving
salty chalk like stains.

Never giving me respit
from this hollow hearts
forever grasping pain.

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