Friday, October 5, 2007

What keeps you

Here a moment where the silence
drifts into a gentle voice, calling.
Desire pushed to the edge. keep
the distance, turn away, Falling

Be watchful of my state, this is
not who I am or ever what I do.
caress your skin, kiss my brow.
this is not me. this is not you.

Not but petty thieves, you and I.
Stealing what is already given.
Shh. say no words, be here now
Tomorrow we may go on living.

The dawn ascends and the music
is but a note that holds us here.
Thoughts drift to when we were
close. The time I held you near.

Inhale as the heart stills a beat.
as the memories blaze through.
exhale and the secret remains.
the days run on, life continues.

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